Privacy Policy – ANAGAMI Studio
This document contains the privacy policy of ANAGAMI Studio. It describes the relationship between AAAcounting Plus EOOD and ANAGAMI Studio users in relation to the personal data that is managed when using the product.
Management of ANAGAMI Studio
ANAGAMI Studio is managed by AAAcounting Plus EOOD, registered in the Republic of Bulgaria with UIC 204467213 with address of management: Sofia, 12 Tri Ushi Str., 1st floor, apt. office 1.
Relationships between the users of ANAGAMI Studio and AAAcounting Plus EOOD
ANAGAMI Studio is a platform designed for individuals who have a legal obligation to keep accounts and manage data related to employment and payroll.
Each person using ANAGAMI Studio, according to the purpose of the platform, has the capacity of personal data controller within the meaning of EU Regulation 2016/679, as well as the LPPD, namely: a person who alone or jointly with others determines the goals and means for the processing of personal data.
The role of AAAcounting Plus EOOD in relation to the respective personal data controller is that of the personal data processor.
The relations between AAAcounting Plus EOOD and the users-administrators of personal data are determined on the basis of a written contract concluded under general conditions. It is incorporated for expediency in the general conditions of use of ANAGAMI Studio.
Responsibilities of the processor
AAAcounting Plus EOOD processes personal data through automatic means of processing and orders from the personal data administrator, which are given through the interface of ANAGAMI Studio. The data controller shall be responsible to the data subjects for the lawful processing of the data of the data subjects concerned, including:
- The presence, respectively the lack, of a legal basis for the processing of personal data;
- Maintaining accurate and up-to-date personal data of users;
- Legitimate data processing;
- Consideration of the rights of the subjects of personal data under the LPPD.
As a processor of personal data, AAAcounting Plus EOOD declares that:
- In the processing of personal data acts only in accordance with the instructions of the controller;
- ensure that the persons authorized to process personal data have committed themselves to confidentiality or are required by law to observe confidentiality;
- assist the controller by all appropriate means to ensure that the data subject’s rights are respected;
- at the choice of the controller, delete or return to the controller all personal data after completion of the provision of data processing services and delete existing copies, unless European Union law or the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria does not require storage of personal data;
- provide the controller with all the information necessary to prove compliance with the technical and legal measures for personal data protection.
Sharing personal data to third parties
AAAcounting Plus EOOD, in its capacity of personal data processor, in turn uses the services of a third party – personal data processor, namely TUHO EOOD with UIC 203986835, which company provides information and hosting services to AAAaccounting Plus. Ltd. In connection with the established relations between the parties, the administrators of personal data (users of ANAGAMI Studio) should be aware of the fact that personal data processed through the platform are stored on the servers of “TUHO” Ltd., for which AAAcounting Plus ”EOOD declares that the guarantee under the previous paragraph is present.
Hypotheses in which AAAcounting Plus EOOD acts as a personal data administrator
ANAGAMI Studio is not intended for use by individuals who have the nature of personal data subjects. To the extent that in limited cases such quality of users is possible, AAAcounting Plus EOOD acts as a controller of personal data.
The data that are processed in this hypothesis are processed for the needs of the implementation of the undertakings of “AAAcounting Plus” Ltd. in connection with the general conditions of use of ANAGAMI Studio.
The data we process on this basis are:
personal contact details – contact address, email, phone number;
identification data – the three names, unique civil number or personal number of a foreigner, address;
- User identification data;
- Contact data;
- Correspondence with users
The specified data are stored on the servers of the processor of personal data in accordance with the above and are processed during the statutory period for the activity, as well as for a period of 5 years after the expiration of the period.
Every subject of personal data, whose data are processed by AAAcounting Plus EOOD, has the right to:
- Awareness (in connection with the processing of personal data by the administrator);
- Access to your own personal data;
- Correction (if data is inaccurate);
- Deletion of personal data (right to be forgotten);
- Restriction of processing by the controller or processor of personal data;
- Portability of personal data between individual administrators;
- Objection to the processing of his personal data;
- The data subject is also entitled not to be the subject of a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which has legal consequences for the data subject or similarly affects him significantly;
- Right to judicial or administrative protection in case the data subject’s rights have been violated.